Soaring Above the Ashes on the Wings of Forgiveness
Would Kitty Chappell ever be able to forgive her father?None of them had escaped his brutality—her mother, younger siblings—not even the family pets. As the firstborn of three children, Kitty felt it her duty to protect her family, but how? Her fat...
Soaring Above the Ashes - Adaptations
Soaring Above the Ashes on Wings of Forgiveness has been adapted to other cultures around the world.
Good Mews
God placed cats on earth with a special mission - to provide unconditional love and support to the people in their lives. In Good Mews , Kitty Chappell captures the playful and inquisitive characteristics we all love about this grace-full species, and ...
Friendship--When It’s Easy and When It’s Not
Friendship: When It's Easy and When It's Not Let’s face it, everyone wants friends, but some individuals just don’t make it easy! Friendship: When It’s Easy And When It’s Not focuses on the different types of individuals in our lives: the sunny friends...